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Thank you, MMM!

September 17, 2014
Kate's Club
Thank you, MMM!
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When someone is grieving many people are at a loss for words – how can they be most helpful to the person or family that is grieving? What do they say? How should they act? We have used Kate's Club's blog as a space to share the stories of grieving people and ideas for coping with grief – quite simply the blog is one way we spread our vision of, ‘a world where it is okay to grieve’. Grief is a multifaceted response to death, requiring support from many places including nonprofits in Atlanta Georgia like Kate's Club. The support of friends, family, and community makes a tremendous impact on a person’s grief journey. At Kate’s Club, we do this through outings, clubhouse days, park bench, KC Connects, and Camp Good Mourning. It takes the help of volunteers volunteering in Atlanta, staff including grief specialists, and our sponsors.

Clubhouse days would not be possible without support from sponsors like MMM.

Clubhouse days would not be possible without support from sponsors like MMM.

In our community one such sponsor has been Morris, Manning & Martin. Today, in their own words, we share why they selected Kate’s Club as their charity of choice for 2014.

At Morris, Manning & Martin, we firmly believe that giving back within the communities that we work and live is a duty of every business. While we give time, effort and monetary support to numerous charitable organizations throughout the year, we annually pick one primary charity we partner with to support financially, with pro bono services, administratively, and with volunteer efforts.

In 2014, we selected Kate’s Club and we couldn’t be more thrilled with the results of our relationship.  Our partnership is about more than the immediate pride in giving back. When we contribute time, money and effort, our goal is to see that our partnership provides tangible, everyday benefits to the community; Kate’s Club gives us the opportunities we like to get involved and really see the difference.  We are able to speak directly with the children who are benefitting and know that what Kate’s Club is doing, with assistance from Morris, Manning & Martin, really makes a significant and positive difference in their lives.

Most recently, we hosted a fund-raiser for Kate’s Club that drew in hundreds of our clients, friends and colleagues. Again, with Kate’s Club help, the results were phenomenal. The attendees were able to enjoy themselves and create stronger bonds with MMM, but more importantly they learned about Kate’s Club and its critically important mission.

Kate’s Club has been an excellent partner for MMM.  We are very proud to be able to support it.

We are grateful to MMM for their willingness to be an advocate and supporter of grieving families when they need it the most.

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