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Sponsor Spotlight: Jerry Hall, President of Assured Comfort Heating, Air & Plumbing

January 30, 2017
Kate's Club
Sponsor Spotlight: Jerry Hall, President of Assured Comfort Heating, Air & Plumbing
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Donna Moss, Kate’s Club’s Development Coordinator: What brought you to Kate’s Club, and how did you hear about us?

Jerry Hall, President of Assured Comfort Heating, Air & Plumbing: The sudden and untimely death of my wife of 29 years brought my family to Kate’s Club.  She left behind a six, nine, 26 and 29-year old.

DM: When did you decide to have your business become a Kate’s Club charitable partner?

JH: Day one, when I dropped off my 9-year old for the first time in 2007. I saw that I could make a difference in a community-based non-profit and help other kids who were going through the same thing as mine.

DM: What are the benefits of Assured Comfort Heating & Air’s partnership with our organization?

JH: I’m incredibly fortunate to have this wonderful vehicle to help further the Kate’s Club mission. If I didn’t have it, I’d be contributing on a personal level, but that wouldn’t have nearly the impact.  Partnering with Kate’s Club inspires my employees and their families, impassions my clients, and has a positive impact on the way we do business.

DM: What personal benefits does Kate’s Club provide you and your family?

JH: It took two years to get my youngest child Joshua to camp. Brandy, on the other hand, went to camp within nine months of her mother’s death. While I took Josh to individual sessions with a licensed psychologist (VERY reluctantly, and unfortunately without much effect), Brandy was grieving with other kids in the same situation. She was having fun, making friends, and best of all, she was laughing! Brandy is now a Jr. Buddy at camp and Josh has gone to camp for 8 years straight. They tell me the best thing about Kate’s Club was realizing they were not “the only one”, they were not “different”, and they had people they could count on who had been through the same thing.

The benefit to the kids is apparent. The benefit to me may not be so apparent. I can’t tell you what a relief it was to know they had this support system. I certainly couldn’t begin to walk them along the path of grief. My loss was completely different than theirs and I was grieving completely different. We will be forever thankful to Kate’s Club for being our rock for all these years.

DM: What would you say to any family seeking support in their time of grief?

JH: Reach out. It may seem like the most difficult thing in the world at the time, but just reach out and accept the love and support that’s out there. It makes all the difference in the world.

DM: Considering Assured Comfort’s experience with Kate’s Club, what would you say to any organization looking to make an impact in their community?

JH: Find a cause that means something to you. You can make a donation to any organization. But if you partner with a cause that has a place in your heart, it’s SO much more than a donation and it gives back to you one-thousand-fold.

Kate Atwood, along with the Kate’s Club staff, board, volunteers, and charitable partners, created this amazing place for these children to learn, to grieve, to grow, and to connect. I count myself as truly fortunate to have witnessed the blossoming of Kate’s Club from a 900 sq. ft. playhouse to a 3,000 sq. ft. facility and now onto this campus setting that we call our Clubhouse.

I want to thank all the staff and volunteers at Kate’s Club, past, present, and future. Their passion and dedication to taking care of these kids is truly inspiring. And the board of directors, thank you for your vision and leadership. We’re on a remarkable journey. And of course, Kate herself, who’s tenacity and grace over the past [14 years] has led Kate’s Club to where it is now, and forged a path for the future. We all thank you from the bottom of our hearts.

If you would like more information on becoming a sponsor, please email our Director of Development and Communications, Rachel Ezzo.

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