For Jessica, a helpful part of her grieving process was reading the book When Someone You Love Dies by Therese Rando.

This book along with several others is part of a list on the website suggested for those who are grieving. Other books on their list include:
- “Tear Soup”, by Pat Schweibert
- “A Grief Observed”, by C.S. Lewis
- “I Wasn’t Ready to Say Goodbye: Surviving, Coping, and Healing After the Sudden Death of a Loved One”, by Brook Noel + Pamela D. Blair
- “Healing After Loss: Daily Meditations for Working Through Grief”, by Martha Whitmore Hickman
- “Safe Passage: Words to Help the Grieving Hold Fast and Let Go”, by Moly Fumia
- “When Bad Things Happen to Good People”, by Rabbi Harold Kushner
- “Living When a Loved One Has Died”, by Earl Grollman
- “To Begin Again”, by Rabbi Naomi Levy
- “Seasons of Solace: A Story of Healing Through Photos and Poems”, by Janelle Shantz Hertz
Would you like to share your story? Please get in touch with Kate's Club! KC has free grief support with grief resources, grief counseling resources, grief training, and volunteer work in Atlanta and surrounding places in Georgia. Kate's Club is a growing nonprofit in Atlanta with grief specialists for kids and young adults going through bereavement. Our goal is to make a world where it is okay to grieve.