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Recipe for the Best Me

July 23, 2015
Kate's Club
Recipe for the Best Me
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Kate's Club understands that grief can throw us for a loop in all aspects of our lives, especially how we feel about ourselves.

Sometimes it makes us feel like we’re falling apart at the seams.

Sometimes it makes us feel alone.

Sometimes it makes us question who we are.

When we feel this way during our grieving, it’s difficult to remind ourselves who we are. It can be difficult to feel positive about ourselves when we feel the different emotions of grief.

But it is important to remember that who we are is not based on our loss. We may miss someone who makes us feel like we are missing part of ourselves.

But who we are is still here and is still good. We still can be the best person that we can be.

We recently did an activity at our Clubhouse that included a cake and creating a recipe for the Best Me.

Here’s our recipe:


Unlimited Love: Love yourself and love the ones around you. Treat yourself and others with kindness rather than negativity. Be patient in your grief. It is alright to feel confused and scared in this unknown place of grieving, but love yourself through it.

Exercise:  Exercise releases endorphins which help mood regulation and allow us to feel better about ourselves. It gives us energy to get through the difficult moments.

Eating Healthy: Our desire to be comforted can often lead us to binge on unhealthy comfort foods. It’s important to put into our body what we want to get out. We need to put healthy food into our bodies to have a healthy body, mind and emotional state.

Good friends:  No matter how much we try to do this on our own, we cannot go through our grief without friends. It’s important to have people who we trust that can be by our side through good moments and the bad

Let yourself feel: One of the most common ways to comfort someone in their grief is to tell them that they are being strong. It often hinders us rather than helps us because it gives us the impression that being strong means that we can’t show emotion.  But feeling is the only way we can heal. Genuinely feel the range of emotions that come with grief and share those emotions with others.

Knowledge: Our mind can get stuck in a rut of repeating thoughts and negativity. In order to combat these try to learn something new such as a new word or a new activity. It helps us to find new things that we love and keeps us active.

Sleep: Sleep allows our body to reset. It allows us to recharge our minds and bodies. It is needed to be emotionally and physically well.

Slice of Cake: A slice of cake doesn’t have to be a slice of cake; it can be reading a book or taking a drive. It could be anything that gives you a second to relax, a moment of happiness. It’s anything that brings joy and sweetness into your life.


Take all the ingredients and mix them up together every day. Grieve well, think of yourself well, and live well. Be the best person that you can be.


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