Kate's Club has more suggestions to make this a healthy holiday season…
- Do something nice for someone else
- Donate a gift or money in the name of your lost loved one
- Laugh with family and friends about a positive memory of your lost loved one
- Share your concerns and apprehensions about the holiday season with a friend
- Release your emotions – it will provide your family with the same freedom
- Get your rest
- Be good to yourself
The above tips are from GriefNet which grants anyone the right to reprint this information without request for compensation so long as the copy is not used for profit and so long as this paragraph is reprinted in its entirety with any copied portion.
Would you like to share your story? Please get in touch with Kate's Club! KC has free grief support with grief resources, grief counseling resources, grief training, and volunteer work in Atlanta and surrounding places in Georgia. Kate's Club is a growing nonprofit in Atlanta with grief specialists for kids and young adults going through bereavement. Our goal is to make a world where it is okay to grieve.