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Jimmie Calvin

March 9, 2012
Kate's Club
Jimmie Calvin
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My Grandad was a detail guy… a planner. If I didn’t know better, I would say that he planned his passing to coordinate with the beautiful weather forecasted for his funeral on Monday. He selected the caterer for the celebration afterward, the music, and the poems to be read.

Katie and her grandad in a kiddy pool
Katie + Grandad

A couple of years ago, my cousin, Katie, wrote a poem about Grandad for school. That is one of the poems he requested, as well as, The Songs of The River by W.R. Hearst. Last Sunday when we were all together, he asked she and I to read them to make sure he liked the way they sounded. (I told you he was a planner…)

Katie kindly agreed to let me share her poem with you here.

Jimmie Calvin

By Katie Lipscomb

I love singin’ the blues,

Slow dancin’ on your shoes,

Let’s put on our pj’s

And shoot the moon.

When mornin’ comes,

Clanking pots and pans,

Let’s go feed the fawn, Jimmie,

There’s age on your hands.

And after we’ll dream in hammocks,

And eat onions from the ground,

Trade stories of Pickle sisters

And look at all the bugs we’ve found.

I’ll pitch washers with the sandman

And if he’ll hold this moment still,

I am 5 and so are you

And we’ve got all the time to kill

I’ll see you in your overalls

On the farm where you grew up,

I’ll see you get the belt

When you try and act too tough.

I’ll see you walk to school,

I’ll see you give Ruby a ring,

I’ll see your love grow,

I’ll see your faults show,

But I’ll be damned if I miss a thing.

For I see what you are,

And it is infinite,

And I thought it’s time

You should know,

That I measure your spirit

In the mountains

And my love for you

In miles.

Would you like to share your story? Please get in touch with Kate's Club! KC has free grief support with grief resources, grief counseling resources, grief training, and volunteer work in Atlanta and surrounding places in Georgia. Kate's Club is a growing nonprofit in Atlanta with grief specialists for kids and young adults going through bereavement. Our goal is to make a world where it is okay to grieve.

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