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Giving Can Be a Form of Healing

February 28, 2013
Kate's Club
Giving Can Be a Form of Healing
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I struggled to fight back tears as I listened to Nancy Anderson, the mother of Kate’s Club participants Kinsey and Ellie, tell her story.  Given Nancy suffered a loss, one may automatically assume that my tears were due to sadness. However, to the contrary, I restrained tears of joy.  It’s not particularly often that I encounter selfless human beings who truly devote their time and energy toward the common good. Nancy is one of those individuals.

After the death of her husband in 2008, Nancy took some time to adjust to the “new life” she and her children would now know. Although she knew that she and her children would benefit from an organization like Kate’s Club that could provide them with an open and supportive network of individuals who share a profound experience of loss, Nancy took an alternative route and decided to focus on giving as a form of healing.

Nancy first became aware of Kate’s Club at the end of 2008 when a friend mailed her an article printed in Better Homes and Gardens magazine, spotlighting the organization. It was then that Nancy truly began to believe in the ideals and purpose of Kate’s Club. As such, she unselfishly made it her mission to spread the word about Kate’s Club to educate others regarding the benefits, services, and support the organization offered. Throughout the year, Nancy donated $10 – $15 to Kate’s Club on behalf of various teachers, family members, and friends. She hoped that these “gifts” would raise awareness about the organization, as well as encourage others to donate. Although at the time, neither Nancy nor her children were directly involved with Kate’s Club, Nancy was still able to appreciate the significance of the organization and the impact it had on the lives of children and their parents.

After interviewing Nancy, I was truly inspired. She taught me that giving can be a form of healing in that Nancy began her own healing process when she decided to give back to Kate’s Club and encourage others to do the same. After speaking with Nancy, I realized that there are many ways to deal with grief and that giving back does not only impact the lives of others but can also positively impact your own life.

Would you like to share your story? Please get in touch with Kate's Club! KC has free grief support with grief resources, grief counseling resources, grief training, and volunteer work in Atlanta and surrounding places in Georgia. Kate's Club is a growing nonprofit in Atlanta with grief specialists for kids and young adults going through bereavement. Our goal is to make a world where it is okay to grieve.

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