Each year the kids of Kate’s Club head to Rutledge, Georgia for their retreat at Camp Twin Lakes. Kate’s Club uses this traditional camp setting to allow the kids to enjoy activities, and friendship and learn how to deal with their grief positively.

Camp Twin Lakes Project
One of the activities the kids participated in last summer was a weaving project. Each child wrote down a memory, a message, or a thought about their loved one who had passed away on a piece of fabric. The children had an opportunity to share the message, and then all of the messages were woven together into a teepee. The teepee was then deconstructed and is now displayed in the Kate’s Club Clubhouse as a memory of that bonding experience.
If your child is grieving the loss of a loved one and could benefit from the friendships built at a bereavement camp, visit the Camp Erin website to find a camp near you.
If you would like to do a similar project with your family to celebrate a loved one, Paper Weaving Craft includes step-by-step instructions on their website.
Would you like to share your story? Please get in touch with Kate's Club! KC has free grief support with grief resources, grief counseling resources, grief training, and volunteer work in Atlanta and surrounding places in Georgia. Kate's Club is a growing nonprofit in Atlanta with grief specialists for kids and young adults going through bereavement. Our goal is to make a world where it is okay to grieve.